| 1. | The present rebukes us too much . 现实对我们的惩罚已经够严厉的了。 |
| 2. | The verb must be in the present perfect tense 动词必须用现在完成时态。 |
| 3. | In the present instance, you are quite astray . 这桩事上你可完全搞错啦! |
| 4. | The present day gloomily dawned . 目前这个新时代阴沉沉地来临了。 |
| 5. | We hope to make the past serve the present . 我们提倡古为今用。 |
| 6. | He can cope with the present situation . 他能够应付当前的局势。 |
| 7. | I can hardly receive him in the present case . 我还不能接纳他。 |
| 8. | He had got wise to the present situation . 他明白了目前的处境。 |
| 9. | How do you read the present situation ? 你对当前的形势怎样看? |
| 10. | The present law makes no provision for this . 现行的法律对此未作任何规定。 |